Player Development Programme 2023


The Player Development Programme has been developed for Year 8’s of all abilities acknowledging that everyone grows and develops at different ages and stages. The sessions will have a focus on athlete development (leadership, building resilience, strength and conditioning) and technical cricket skills.


We have three PDP locations:

Northern hub @ Onslow College

Sunday 29th of October, 12pm – 3pm and Sunday 26th of November, 11am – 2pm.


City hub @ Scots College

Sunday 12th of November and Sunday 10th of December, 10am – 1pm.


Hutt hub @ Trentham Memorial Park Indoor Centre

Monday 4th and 11th of December, 4pm – 7pm


The cost is $40 and includes 2x three-hour sessions and a Player Development t-shirt.


Register on PlayHQ here:

Article added: Thursday 19 October 2023